The Great Big Book of Algebra

5:34 PM

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Chapter 1
Integer Poetry

Cinquain: Adding

sum, total, more than
that sums it up

Free Verse: Subtracting

Subtracting is so great
Not doing it is ok
But adding the opposites is the way
Now you know how to do subtracting, hooray

Free Verse: Partitive Division

For making equal groups you have to ,
Find out which piece goes into which circle
which is sharing it in groups
To find your answer you would have to show that you circled the groups
Now your done, just colour in, now can go yeah yeah

Diamante: Qu

making , circling
showing the cubes circled

how many, what goes
into it measure-

Free Verse: Rules

Even Steven integers multiplied
a positive result will be productified
Odd ball integers multiplied

a negative result will be productified

Chapter 2
Combining like terms and
the Distributive Property

Roger: Hello Jack,
Whatcha doing

Whats the Question
No the Answer is not -6n+15 it is -4n+15
I will show you how to get the answer now
First, You have to regroup the variables. Which are n and -5n

Second you have to rewrite the question so it reads n-5n+3+12
Third you put buckets under the 2 terms
Fourth you now answer what is in the buckets, which is n-5n=-4n
next it is +3+12=+15

Now you rewrite the question again and it should say this: -4n+15

Jake: Hey Roger
I'm just working on my math homework .Its Algebra and its hard.
I need help. Do you know how to answer this question Roger.
The question is n+3-5n+12
I think the answer is -6n+15
How did you get that.

Thanks Roger now I get It

Second Video

Hello Jake,
Whatcha doing
Whats the Question
No the Answer is not
12n + 10. It is 12n+32
I will show you how to get the answer now
First, you have to multiply 4 by 3n. Which equals 12n
Second You need to multiply 4 by +8. Which equals +32

Finally you put both together and it should say 12n+32

Hey Roger
I'm just working on my math homework .
Its The Distributive Property and its hard
I need help. Do you know how to answer this question Roger.
The question is 2 + 4(3n+8)
I think the answer is 12n + 10
How did you get that.
Thanks Roger now I get It

The End

Merry Christmas

Chapter 3

One step Equation Solving


To do a additive equation you have to know the steps or (rules).
First you write out your question, the question I choose was n-3+5=10
Second you have to clean up the junk in the question.

To clean the junk up you put these |______| under the the two constants -3 and +5.
After you have done that it should say n+2=10.
The third step is adding the opposite, and in this case the opposite of +2 is -2.
Whatever you do to the front you have to do to the back(answer), make balance.
Fourth is you cancel out the zero pairs, which leaves you with n= on you left and 10-2 on your right.
Now you have to answer 10-2=8. N = 8

I will now show you how to Verify:
First you rewrite the question: n-3+5=10 or n+2=10
Second you substitute the 8 for n.
Then it should say: 8+2=10 or 8-3+5=10

The final step is 10=10


To do a subtractive equation you have to know the steps or (rules).
First you write out your question, the question I chose was n-(-5)=17Second you have to clean up the junk in the question.
To clean the junk up you change the - signs both to + signs

After you have done that it should say n+5=17 or n+(+5)=17.
The third step is adding the opposite, and in this case the opposite of +5 is -5.
Whatever you do to the front you have to do to the back(answer), make balance.

Fourth is you cancel out the zero pairs, which leaves you with n= on you left and 17-5 on your right.
Now you have to answer 17-5=12. N = 12

I will now show you how to Verify:
First you rewrite the question: n-(-5)=17 or n+5=17
Second you substitute the 12 for n.

Then it should say:12-(-5)=17 or 12+5=17
The final step is 17=17


To do a multiplicative equation you have to know the steps or (rules).
First you write out your question, the question I chose was 12n=180

Second you have to divide 12n by 12. Which gives you n.

Whatever you do to the front you have to do to the back(answer), make balance. Now you have to answer 180 divided by 12. Which leaves you with n= on you left and 15 on your right. N=15

I will now show you how to Verify:
First you rewrite the question: 12n=180

Second you substitute the 15 for n. It should look like this 12(15)=180

The final step is 180=180


To do a divisive equation you have to know the steps or (rules).
First you write out your question, the question I chose was n divide 6 =6

Second you have to multiply 6n by 6. Which gives you n.

Whatever you do to the front you have to do to the back(answer), make balance.

Now you have to answer 6 multiplied by 6. Which leaves you with n= on you left and 36 on your right. N=15

I will now show you how to Verify:
First you rewrite the question: 12n=180
Second you substitute the 15 for n. It should look like this 12(15)=180

The final step is 180=180

Chapter 4

1 Response to "The Great Big Book of Algebra"

bea873 said :
December 5, 2008 at 9:55 PM
nice and colourful work good job! Brendan

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