Zerlina's Last Fraction Post

4:04 PM

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Adding Fractions and Subtracting Fractions


-You change the denominators if they are not the same, then add the numerators.

-If it's mixed numbers, you do the same thing and add the whole numbers too.
-In subtracting you change the denominators if they are not the same, then subtract the numerators.

-If they are mixed numbers, you do the same thing and subtract the whole numbers too.

Multiplying Fractions
-You multiply the numerator by the numerator, and the denominator by the denominator.

-When you multiply mixed numbers, you change them into improper fractions then you multiply the numerators and the denominators, then change it back.
-When you multiply a whole number by a fraction, you put the whole number over one and do the same thing, multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator.

Dividing Fractions

-You could find the reciprocal of the second fraction and then times both of the fractions together.
-Or you can make a T chart (but it may not work every time).

-But before you do this, make sure you ask the question: How many groups of __ are in ___?
-When you divide a mixed fraction number, you have to change it into a improper fraction, then when you get an answer, you change it back.

-When you divide a whole number with a fraction, you put it over one and finish the process of dividing fractions.

Word Problems

Problem 1

Problem 2

Here are the answers.

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