Scribe Post for January 12th

6:29 PM

(2) Comments

Today in class we went over our questions from the pink booklet. We had to do 50 questions before the week end was over. After we went through the ones that were tough we got our home work to practice for out test tomorrow. We had 10 questions I am going to list 4.

Here is a adding example from the home work:

-12 + n = 25

[-12 +12] + n = 25 + 12

n = 37

-12 + n = 25

-12 + 37 = 25

25 = 25

Here is a subtracting question:

n - 6 = 14

n [-6 + 6] = 14 + 6

n = 20

n – 6 = 14

20 - 6 = 14

14 = 14

Here is a Multiplying one:

12n = 48

---- ----
12 12

n = 4

12n = 48

12(4) = 48

48 = 48

And finally a division question (it may be wrong)

(4)1 = 12(4)

4 n

n = 3


-- = 12

4 n


-- = 12



Well that was a little practice for the test/quiz tomorrow.

Comment on my mistakes!

Vikram 9-05


2 Responses to "Scribe Post for January 12th"

Brendan 9-05 said :
January 13, 2009 at 12:35 PM
Hey Vikram, Nice scribe.
But I think you should of added more information on how to explain the question better.
Good use of colour
Zerlina905 said :
January 14, 2009 at 5:17 PM
Good job Vikram, great scribe. I liked how you divied your scribe using different colours. I think you should add better pictures to make it interesting because you just used font sizes and colour.

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