Scribepost for January 22, 2009

1:44 PM

(4) Comments

Today in class, Mr.Harbeck went over yesterday's homework that were difficult for some people. We went over pages 43 and 44.

I'll show you two examples from page 43.

I'll show you an example from page 44.

I'll show you an example from page 46.

For homework:
1) Make sure your finished page 43.
2) Do the rest of page 44. But you don't need to do the word problems, but you can if you want.
3) Do the equations on page 45. Don't do the word problems.
4) Pick any 6 questions from page 46, and do them.
That's about everything we did in class today.
Thanks for reading my scribepost.
Please leave a comment.
I choose Angela for the next scribe.
or else... I'm going to be mad at you... just kidding :P

4 Responses to "Scribepost for January 22, 2009"

xtian 9-05 said :
January 23, 2009 at 5:01 PM
wow melanie very colorful, iliked it you explained it very well,you also used different colors to represent each equation. :)
January 23, 2009 at 7:49 PM
Great Job Melanie! I likes the big writing and teh different colours it makes it very understandable. Great Job again.
Anonymous said :
January 23, 2009 at 10:49 PM
Great job Mel! Your Scribe was very clear, and colourful! And I like how you "bold" the numbers so its Big!
Zerlina905 said :
January 25, 2009 at 11:50 AM
Your scribe was great Mel! I loved how you used lots of examples and pictures. It was very colourful. It was easy to read and it was understandable. All you need is a video and then it would be sectacular, NICE ONE!

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