Scribe Post for Oct. 29 by Anylance

5:14 PM

(4) Comments

Today in class we worked on the yellow booklet page 48.

21). (-10)+(-8)+(+6)-(+2)

First we you have to do the addition of integers, we have to combine, first the negative, then add the positive numbers.

(-10)+(-8)=-18 then add (-18)+(+6)=-12

After getting the sum, we will proceed to subtraction, that is (-12)-(+2)=-14
How did we get -14?
In subtraction of integers we have to change the sign of subtrahend so (+2) will become negative 2 then proceed to addition of integers.


22). (-5)=(-3)=(=4)
First you have to do the addition of integers, (-5)+(-3)=-8
After getting the sum which is negative eight, we can now proceed to addition of integer (-8)=(-4)=-12 the answer is -12.

4 Responses to "Scribe Post for Oct. 29 by Anylance"

October 29, 2008 at 6:19 PM
Good Job Any you could have used a different colour for the answers to make it better.
justinp8-73 said :
October 29, 2008 at 6:20 PM
Goob job
Andrew9-06 said :
October 29, 2008 at 8:11 PM
Good job you could have taken pictures and post it. but good job thou.
elmane8-73 said :
October 29, 2008 at 9:45 PM
Any you could of put pictures in, not like mine. And coloured the answers or the important things. But great job though.

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