Scribe post for Oct. 29,08 by Lance Galang

8:06 PM

(2) Comments

Today we worked on the yellow booklet page 48 & 49.

These question that im doing is page 49.

11). (+15)=(-6)-(-7)
First you do addition of integers by getting the sum of (+8)+(-5)=-3

After getting the sum which is =3 we can proceed to subtraction of integers, we have to change the sign of the subtrahend, so form (-3) it will become (=3) then we will proceed to addition of integers.

step 1: (=8)+(-5)=+3
step 2: (+3)-(-3)=?
step 3:(+3)+(+3)==6

15). (+15)+(-5)-(-7)
First you will do the addition of integers by adding (+15) and (-6) and this will give +9.
The sum 9 will give us +9.
The sum 9 will be subtracted to (-7) and in subtraction of integers we need to change the sign of the subtrahend so (-7) will become (+7), then we will proceed to addition of integers.

step 1: (+15)+(-6)=+9
step 2:(+9)-(-7)=?
step 3: (+9)+(+7)=+16

The answer is +16.

2 Responses to "Scribe post for Oct. 29,08 by Lance Galang"

justinp8-73 said :
October 29, 2008 at 9:21 PM
you should post pictures but good scribe!
elmane8-73 said :
October 29, 2008 at 9:41 PM
Great scribe Lance!

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