Scribe Post For January 12 ,2009

10:24 PM

(3) Comments

Today in class we went over our Math homework from the pink thingy he gave us. After doing all of those stuff he gave us a homework to practice for our test/quiz tomorrow. i will list all of them and i will answer four of them.

here are all of them :

1) N-6 = 14

2) N+9 = -4

3) - 9 + n = 17

4) 25 = - 12 + n

5) N - (-6) = 15

6) -N/3 = 6

7) -30 N = 120

8) 1/4 N = 12

9) - 1/3 n = 10

10) 12 N = 48

the questions with the slash in them are suppose to be horizontal because it's being divided by.

Here are the Four that i will answer

Here is my first one







Here is my second one

25 = -12+n




12+37 = 25

25 = 25

Here is my third one




-9+n= -17

-9+26= -17


And here is my Last one

n - 6 = 14

n [-6 + 6] = 14 + 6

n = 20

n – 6 = 14

20 - 6 = 14

14 = 14

Everything i answered might be wrong so just comment. Be ready for the test tomorrow study, these scribe might help so read it. And that's about it . For the next scribe i choose no one yet because i dont know who didn't do it yet . Or am i suppose to choose anyone? Anyways study and comment please!!!



3 Responses to "Scribe Post For January 12 ,2009"

Vikram 9-05 said :
January 12, 2009 at 11:28 PM
Good job Kareel, all the colors made it stand out. But I think the answer to the 3rd one is 17 not negative 17.
Anonymous said :
January 14, 2009 at 10:40 AM
Great job, Kareel! I liked how you used a lot of colours to make the words stand out. Although, you shouldn't use pink as a font colour, because it's hard to see. You also made some spelling mistakes. But, that's easy to fix. Good job, again!
Zerlina905 said :
January 14, 2009 at 5:14 PM
Good Job Kareel, I liked how you supperated you scribe with colours. You made a few spelling mistakes, but overall great job.

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